To make money online

Sunday 30 August 2009

Affiliate Marketing Help - Are Your Articles Disappearing From Google?

Article marketing is a good and free way of promoting products in your affiliate marketing business. But it is quite competitive out there. Her are thousands of articles being submitted every day, and your article, depending on the product, will be competing with thousands of others to get to the first page of Google. But do not despair there is actually tons of affiliate marketing help sites available out there.

I have 3 tips for your article to get to the first page.

1. You need to find the right niche and therefore the right keyword to promote the product. The right niche and keyword needs to be one that people look for, but at the same time the competition is low. This means that there are not many people promoting that product with that keyword, but there are enough people looking with those keywords. There are specific tools that tell you how many people are using that keyword to search the web. Some of these tools are free and some one will have to pay for.

2. You need to write articles with catchy titles and unique contents. Yes, it is important to write many articles with unique content. They do not need to be saying different things, but you can say the same thing in different ways. The search engines will consider two articles with the same content as one. Articles could be used as a back link to your website or blog or lens. So the more articles you write, the more back links you will have and therefore it will increase the possibility of appearing on the first page of Google. A catchy title will increase the possibility of people reading the article.

3. Once you articles are written and your site or article appears on the first page of Google, it does not mean that it will stay in that position forever. It will fluctuate, but to keep it there you will need to write more articles. My suggestion is that you write and submit lots of articles to start with, then leave it on the side for a while. After a while if your article disappears then write more articles.

So to summarize you need to find a great niche product and good keywords, you need to write lots of articles with unique content and catchy titles, and if articles still disappear from Google then keep writing articles. In addition if you need assistance remember there is lots of affiliate marketing help out there.

While I was pregnant, I hunted and hunted for work I could do at home. Problem was I had to replace a corporate income. I took courses, spent more than I care to admit on products that sold me on the dream of fast money online. I even did a degree course or two, but they didn't really pay off in the end.
It was very frustrating (heart breaking really) to have to go back to work after my babies were born. I hated the commute time. I hated all the little things I was missing as they grew. But mouths had to be fed and bills had to be paid.
But I kept one eye open - just in case. And I finally found what I was looking for.
Now I really love what I'm doing from home. And you can too. Make sure you read this to get the best affiliate marketing help.

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