To make money online

Sunday 30 August 2009

How A Google Affiliate Can Use Curiosity To Get More Clicks And More Dollars

Most Google affiliates do not know that curiosity is one of the strongest of human incentives. It has been used to sell countless products and services for centuries. This is the reason why you should ask yourself he question, is there enough curiosity at my Google affiliate site?

Curiosity will get you sales and it will certainly get you plenty of clicks on your Google affiliate sites. But how do you generate curiosity without making visitors to your site feel cheated? Or feel that you have not provided enough information? Actually there is nothing that can kill the popularity of a site faster than most visitors to a site getting either of these two sentiments towards a site.

Use Headlines To Generate Curiosity At Your Google Affiliate Sites

Do your Google affiliate headlines create enough curiosity? Or do they simply tell the whole story so that nobody bothers to click on them to read more? Headlines are critical to the amount of clicks that a person is able to achieve at their Google affiliate site. Firstly enough curiosity in a headline will get visitors in droves flocking at your site. Once they are there, chances of them clicking on any of your ads will heavily depend on how long they stick around. And how long they stick around will lean heavily on how much content they get to read while they are there.

Whether your Google affiliate site is a blog or website, it will have several headlines to your articles displayed on your home page. Most people are terribly busy and hurried when they are online. The truth is that there is too much to see and too little time available to see it. What this means is that visitors to your site will be extremely selective on what they end up clicking on.

The more curiosity you create in your headlines, the longer they will stay, and the more questions that will be created on their minds. The result of this will be many more clicks at your Google affiliate site.

Answer Questions Adequately but Ask Others To Generate Curiosity At Your Google Affiliate Sites

Give valuable useful information in your Google affiliate site content but make sure that in doing so, you create other questions and thus more curiosity in your readers and hunger for more information. Have you ever noticed that when you find some really valuable information on a subject, it encourages you to look for even more information? This puts visitors to a site in just the right mood to click on one or two interesting Adsense ads that they see.

Use Links To Other Sites To Generate Curiosity At Your Google Affiliate Sites

I have found that my Google affiliate sites, which have plenty of links leading to other sites, tend to achieve many more clicks, than those that are packed with only content and few or no links to other sites. It all comes down to the curiosity levels created by giving your content in the form of brief text and links rather than detailed content with no links.

Use text Links Within The Content To Generate Curiosity At Your Google Affiliate Sites

Text links buried deep inside interesting content work like a dream. The main reason is probably the fact that they do look like ads. But one of the reasons has to be the curiosity most of these text links tend to create in a reader. You can use these effective text links to get more traffic to your Google affiliate sites. More traffic to your content-packed but curiosity-filled Google affiliate sites will mean many more clicks at your Adsense ads displayed and much more cash generated for you.

Christopher Kyalo is a successful online writer and entrepreneur. Get his weekly ezine packed with information to rapidly increase your Adsense earnings NOW. He can be reached at strongwallafrica at

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